Back of the book blurbs
Category:RecommendationWriting them is hard.
Like, I’d rather write another book than write one of these.
The thing about a good synopsis is that it has to 1: entice the reader. 2: provide enough detail of the plot but 3: not give away the core of the story and 4: be succint enough that someone can read through it in about 30 seconds.
Yeah, not fun. It’s copy writing not fiction writing. And when you’re the writer of the story, you want to put in all sorts of details that you think are necessary, relevant, and interesting.
Like “Jane was a former cheerleader turned mom turned serial enterepuer but when she finds a dead body in her kitchen…”
But that’s full of a bunch of nonsense you don’t need. LIke the former cheerleader bit. Or the mom. or the business part. What you need to know is that she found a dead body in her kitchen. You know you’re in a mystery or a thriller right off.
I’m no expert on synopsis writing. I have read a few books on how to do it. The best one I’ve found to date is Bryan Cohen’s How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis. (no affiliate link) He breaks down the elements of a good synopsis. Then how he writes one. With a step by step guide like Step 1: write something like this. Step 2: now write something like this.
When you suck at synopsis writing like I do, it’s handy to have a book like this nearby.